Wednesday 6 February 2013

Enzymes low, Gastroparesis & Hypersensitivity

I tried digestive supplements for only 4-5 days because they seemed to make symptoms worse, so I stopped them immediately.

Yes, I am still suffering on a daily basis. Wish I could provide those who are suffering with better news.

Is this difficult to cope with? Definitely. Have I had enough? OMG yes! Is this ever going to end? Wish I knew.


About a month ago I caught up with my Gastroenterologist to discuss the results of my colonoscopy and he did find something. My enzyme levels were low in lactase, sucrase and maltase. These enzymes are important because they help to digest the foods.

In addition to the colonoscopy I went through a Gastric Emptying test. This test found that my rate of digesting liquids and solids took roughly double the time of an average person. In other words I have Post Infection Gastroparesis. Yeah, I didn't know something like this existed either. And yes, it does explain why I have so much gas because the food is staying in me for longer and fermenting longer.

The low enzymes and gastroparesis go hand in hand. I'm sure that if my enzyme levels increases my rate of digestion would increase as well. My homeopath and dietition recommended that I take enzyme supplements for a little to aid in my digestion until my body goes back to normal. Makes sense. Could give this a try. Might help? Only one way to find out.

So after every single test I have done, and I have done A LOT, I believe I have come to the conclusion of the specifics of what is currently wrong with me. 

1. My enzyme levels are low

2. My bacteria is imbalanced

3. I have post infection gastroparesis (the rate of my digestion is too slow)

4. I have oesophagitis (inflammation of the oesophagus) / acid reflux

5. I have hypersensitivity in the gut (e.g. [analogy] someone decided to bleach their teeth too much and as a result their gums nerves became very sensitive so whenever they ate something it hurt)

I guess all of this equates to IBS in a nutshell? Have I solved the riddle of IBS?

So now that we've figured out everything that is wrong. What can we do to fix this?

 1. Take enzyme supplements and continue with homeopathy (which is meant to aid in enzyme balance)

 2. Keep eating yogurt and/or yakult everyday, or some other probiotic

 3. Hopefully when enzymes are balanced this will increase rate of digestion, but in the interim do the following:
 - eat 6-8 meals a day
 - eat slowly and always have a single course only
 - small early light dinner - chew food thoroughly
 - soft to liquid consistency meals will digest easier
 - soft well cooked meats such as fish, and chicken
 - eat small amounts of hight starch foods such as rice, bread and pasta
 - eat fruit, vegetables and salads - soups are proven to cause less bloating than solids
 - drink Ensure Plus 2 or 3 times a day (Ensure plus is a liquid supplement drink full of vitamins and minerals that aid in health, strength and immunity and is easy to digest)

 4. Take somac everyday

 5. Try to avoid stress as much as possible

With the above, if you have IBS I'm not suggesting that you go out and start eating enzyme supplements, but it might not hurt to discuss with your doctor the possibility of having low enzymes, bacteria imbalance, gastroparesis, etc.

I hope that this information has been helpful for some people and I hope that it will help towards putting an end to the suffering.


P.S. I'll let you know how the enzyme supplements go. I haven't started to take them yet. Will start within the week.

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