Tuesday 24 June 2014

Dothep (Dothiepin) & Imovane

I realise that I haven't written in some time. I apologise. I was just trying to give my current treatment a decent amount of time before I commented.

Before, however, I discuss about results I would like to mention that a gastroenterologist analysed my situation and condition and believes that there really isn't anything seriously wrong. It is more leaning towards a miscorrelation of functionality within the gut and the nerves within the gut. Basically my gut isn't reading the signals correctly. So he prescribed me to take a medication called Dothep (aka Dothiepin).

Dothep is an anti-depressant. He gave me a low dose (25mg) to take nightly. The purpose is to take the edge off and numb the pain. This medication has been around for a long time. I have been taking it for over a month now and so far, unlike Endep, it has not aggravated the symptoms. Whether it is helping in any way I cannot tell.

In addition to the Dothep and naturopathy treatment I occasionally take a medication called Imovane (7mg). It's a sleeping pill that I only take around 3 times a month when absolutely required. In honesty I usually require it during my period because the pain is enormously intolerable during that time. Warning: if you take this drug be extremely careful because it is highly addictive. If you take it every night over a lengthy period guaranteed that you will not be able to fall asleep on your own without it if you tried. This is why I only take it when I absolutely need to, a backup, and I am thankful for it because if, on top of aggravating intolerable pain, I do not get sleep the pain and symptoms only get worse. IT IS A VICIOUS CYCLE. So the Imovane at least helps to break that cycle when needed.


Currently treatment includes Naturopathy, Dothep and Imovane. So far, out of all the treatments I have tried over the past 4 years, this combination appears to be helping. Of course, wish I could say right now that I feel completely normal and absolutely am pain free.

*Takes a deep breath*

I will remain patient, and a little hopeful.

Note to self: probably not the best idea to write posts at 1am in the morning.
