Tuesday 30 October 2012


Ok, so I've been taking homeopathic medicine for about 5 months. I still suffer daily symptoms, however, symptoms have seemed to lesson a little. Having said that that may not have been the result of taking the homeopathic medicine. It could be a combination of good diet, rest, vitamin and mineral supplements, some conventional medicine and time.

Initially when I saw the homeopath he said the treatment will take three months. Five months later and there wasn't much improvement. To me that is an indication that the treatment is not working and it's time to move on.

Ok, so along with Iberogast I decided to also start homeopathy, which I started on 9th September. I started Iberogast mid August, but after a month I didn't really feel much different so I thought adding homeopathy to the mix wouldn't hurt. I already knew that homeopathy was safe from research. First I'll give you a little explanation of what homeopathy is and then mention the additional things I have been doing recommended by the homeopath.

Reference: http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Homeopathy

Homeopathy (or homoeopathy) is a holistic system of medicine based on the theory of treating ‘like with like’. It claims to stimulate the body’s own healing response to disease, using specially prepared, highly dilute preparations. Homeopathy claims to treat the symptoms of a wide range of illnesses including allergies, asthma, eczema, hay fever, headaches, stress and respiratory infections. 

The cornerstone of homeopathic philosophy is the ‘Law of similars’. This law or principle is based on a long-held belief (by ancient healers like Paracelsus) that substances that produce symptoms in a healthy individual can be used to treat similar symptoms in a sick person. Modern homeopathy was founded in the 18th century by a German physician, Dr Samuel Hahnemann.

An example of this principle is coffee. Coffee can aggravate some people who are sensitive to its stimulating effects. These people may experience increased mental and physical alertness, along with an exaggerated response to stimuli. People who present at a homeopathic clinic with symptoms of insomnia, headache, irritability and an overstimulated nervous system may be prescribed a dose of Coffea cruda,which has been prepared according to homeopathic principles. Practitioners believe that this will settle the symptoms of insomnia in these people.

Homeopathic medicines are made from a variety of sources, such as plants, animals and minerals. They are prepared according to strict guidelines set out in international pharmacopoeias. Homeopathic medicines are considered safe and free from serious adverse reactions.

Sometimes symptoms may temporarily get worse before they get better. This ‘aggravation’ of symptoms can be part of the homeopathic treatment. However, you should tell your homeopath if you have these reactions. Your homeopath may refer you to a doctor or other healthcare practitioner if necessary.


In addition to taking the homeopathy I am still taking Iberogast three times a day. I was also told to take fresh coconut water daily. I drink about half a coconut a day because I am quite petite and read that too much coconut water can have a laxative effect, something I really want to avoid. 

The homeopath also told me to eat some raw carrot after dinner every night. This is meant to help improve the enzymes in my stomach somehow. I don't understand the specifics.

He mentioned to eat alfalfa sprouts daily, which I do not do. I should, but it is all just a bit too much for me.

He mentioned to not eat too much protein, which makes sense because red meat is hard to digest. Well for me it is. I've always found it a bit tough to eat too much red meat so I am currently avoiding red meat and have reduced drinking Sustegen daily to two to three times a week.

I'm not allowed to drink large amounts of liquid (inc. water) during or just after a meal. Not sure why. Maybe to reduce bloating? I'll ask the homeopath next time I see him. 

He also mentioned to avoid onions and garlic, which is also mentioned in the FODMAP Diet.

Light exercise is recommended, not heavy exercise. For example, something like yoga.

I am also still taking Activia every day, which he has encouraged. It also doesn't hurt to eat foods rich in folic acid (folate), such as spinach, broccoli, papaya, corn, etc. Research has shown that folic acid has a role in the prevention of colon cancer. Patients with the inflammatory bowel condition ulcerative colitis are particularly at risk for colon cancer, and folic acid may play an even greater role of protection for this group. Cervical cancer prevention can also substantially benefit from folic acid supplementation. The vitamin can also prevent esophageal, stomach and pancreatic cancer.

Refer to http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/folic-acid-foods/ for details on foods with folic acid.

Hmmm, what else? That's all I can think of at the moment. The homeopath said it would take about three months of treatment to fix me up. I am both hopeful and skeptical because I do not want to keep my hopes up too high. I am tempted to give an update of my progress but I want to give it another month.


  1. Hi just came across your post and wondered how you was getting on. I am dealing with pi ibs after food poisoning back in march

    1. Hi Glen,

      I'm sorry to hear about the food poisoning.

      Unfortunately I am still suffering from pain and discomfort daily. Whether the homeopathic medicine is helping or not it is hard to say at this point in time. I know, probably not the news you wanted to hear. Having said this, however, I do believe the intensity of the pain does appear to have reduced a little, but because I've been in pain for so long now it's becoming hard to tell. I'm at a point in time where I would probably only know if something is working when symptoms actually disappear.

      The homeopath did mention that improvement will be very gradual so I may need to give it more time. I have a friend who had IBS from food poisoning for 10 years. She eventually went to see a Naturopath, but it took a year of treatment for her to make a full recovery.

      I will continue with homeopathy for now, but will also get a colonoscopy performed, despite what doctors say, just to rule out any other possibilities.

      Not sure what treatments you have done or symptoms you are having, but if anything, in my opinion, it wouldn't hurt to at least start taking Iberogast and yogurt daily. These things are very safe, all natural, and soothing. If you look at Iberogast reviews on the internet some people were cured from just taking that alone. It's the best on the market. Also wouldn't hurt to avoid difficult to digest foods, for example very fatty or oily foods and highly processed foods, and avoid onions and garlic. Every person I have seen have mentioned to avoid onions and garlic.

      I hope I was able to help a little and good luck.
      Take care

  2. Hi sorry to hear that but it will get better mine has reduced a lot since I first had it but still daily discomfort and pain my cousin had this pi ibs and he is just getting over it it took him 3 years the first 2 years he did not see any improvement and then out of the blue he started to feel better gradually from what I here it can stay elevated for about 2 years then you will start to feel better

    1. Hi Glen,
      I hope that is the case. Hope that I don't end up suffering for decades. Too hard to cope with otherwise. Fingers crossed.
      Anything you and your cousin have been doing to help reduce the symptoms of your IBS? I would really love to know. Might help me :)

  3. The only thing is time I'm afraid I would suggest not keep trying different herbs and remedies because they won't work and will just cost you loads of money trust me I have bought everything I possibly heard off and not one thing worked and that was the same for my cousin

  4. My cousin who was in a bad way with this pi ibs is alot better now and just arose out the blue and has gradually got better and better all along the way but it is apparently a 2-5 year healing period how long have you had this for and do you get any releif or are you in constant pain. Keep us posted how you keep getting on and I will do the same.


    1. I see, yeah, perhaps then it's just a matter of time. I've had PI IBS for just over two years now, so hopefully I'll start seeing improvements? Fingers crossed. I'm in pain or discomfort majority of the time. Majority of time pain isn't too bad, but can still be a little debilitating. So I guess there's been a little improvement. I just had a colonoscopy and gastroscopy performed a few days back. I thought I would get it done just incase something else was happening. Horrible process lol. Never getting that done again. Everything looks normal apart from the reflux.

      I know you say don't bother with the herbal stuff but I reckon Iberogast isn't too expensive and I believe it's good for you so I'll continue with that. The homeopathy medicine ain't too bad either. Slightly expensive but not as bad as the Chinese Acupuncture and Medicine I tried which cost me like $150 per week. :|
